Pea Soup Smoke Machines
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Concept Colt 4 Smoke Fluid Canisters

Pea Soup Smoke SystemsConcept Colt 4 / Comet 4 Smoke Fluid Aerosol Canisters containing very persistent water based Smoke Fluid Type A.

For use in the Colt 4 and Colt 4 Turbo model smoke machines. 381g. Instructions on label are printed in English, French and German.

At full output, each single canister will provide a total of approx. 15 minutes of smoke production in a 1.1kW COLT 4 or approx. 8 minutes in a 2.2kW COLT 4 TURBO.

You do not have to use a complete canister all at once - they re-seal after each use and can be used many months later. You may need to clean the aerosol thread of any black carbon before re-inserting if you haven't used it for a while.

Used in the Colt 4 smoke machines, it produces a very safe, non-toxic artificial smoke with a consistent particle size of 0.2 to 0.3 microns, mmd with a hang time of approx. 1 to 1.5 hours at 20°C.

Suitable for grey, black and red Colt 4 / Colt 4 Turbo / Colt 4 Twin Turbo models.


  • Available singly or in boxes of 10 (best value).
  • Suitable for both the Colt 4 and Colt 4 Turbo smoke machines.
  • Pre-pressurised, convenient, disposable.
  • Rust-proof laquered aluminium aerosol, not crimped.
  • Pressurised with inert nitrogen gas.

MSDS available upon request.


PSC4AS: Single Colt 4 Smoke Fluid Canister

PSC4A10: Box of 10 x Colt 4 Smoke Fluid Canisters

  PSC4AS: Single Colt 4 Smoke Fluid Canister - £14.50


  PSC4A10: Box of 10 x Colt 4 Smoke Fluid Canisters - £95.00


Export enquires - please contact us

Prices are shown only as a guide and are subject to change without notice.

The warranty on your smoke machine will be void if you use smoke fluid other than that recommended by the manufacturer of your smoke machine. Safe smoke is your responsibility.

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