Pea Soup Smoke Machines
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   PS60 Smoke System

The PS60 is the highest output industrial model in the range, producing approximately 60% more smoke than even the PS33T unit at continuous, un-ramped, full output, but an incredible 138% more smoke at "Super Turbo" level which can be sustained for 2 minutes before a brief re-heat period of around 15 seconds.

This twin output version comes fitted with a timer controller facility and a horizontal high capacity 5 litre fluid reservoir with an easy fill, wide spout inlet and integrated sight-glass, eliminating the possibility of ever overfilling the tank.

The smoke from the PS60 is extremely persistent, remaining highly visible to 200°C (compared to typical water based smoke systems which evaporate at 40-50°C) before evaporation commences, making the unit ideally suited to hot fire training applications. It is also used during carbonaceous burns to top up smoke levels in different compartments in the training facility. The smoke is also unaffected in fast moving air streams / turbulent conditions making it the perfect tool for PPV / impulse ventilation training. Custom weatherproof cover and wheeled flightcase to hold the entire system are also available.

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Power supply 
230v AC (+10% / -6%) 50-60Hz
Warm up time from cold 
 4 minutes
Particle size 
 0.2 - 0.3 micron, mmd
52cm x  24cm x 42cm
Powder coated zintec steel chassis
Internal fluid tank size
5 litres
Heat exchanger wattage
2,800 Watts
Smoke output per min.
0 - 2,000 m3
Smoke oil consumption,
full continuous output
5.7 litres / hour
Smoke oil consumption,
super-turbo output
8.4 litres / hour
Approx 3 times as much smoke per litre compared to persistent water-based fluid
Running time
at max. continuous output
55 mins

The most versatile smoke system available

Designed to excel at:

Special effects
Fire training
Building envelope tests
Leak testing
Smoke detector tests
Air flow visualisation

Made in Britain

We ship worldwide

10 year warranty

Extremely persistent smoke (3 - 4 hour hang time),
extremely high temperature resistance (up to 200° C)
Automatic self-clean operation,
maintenance free
Precision built heater block, lifetime guarantee!
10 year parts warranty
Digital temperature control
& solid state switching

Oil-based and water-based fog - what's the difference?
Oil-based fog is much denser and hangs in the air many, many times longer than water based fog, as the fog particles don't evaporate as quickly. It is perfectly safe, non-toxic, intrinsically biodegradable and leaves no discernible residue. The oil based fog has a temperature resistance of up to 200° Celcius. The smoke is the safest in its class, outperforming water based systems substantially. The smoke has a 'bland' smell which the majority of users find is far less noticeable than water based smokes. Please note that these units can be re-programmed to accept water based smoke fluid as well, if required.

Safe smoke
Our oil based machines have been used in hundreds of critical applications including aircraft simulators for the world's biggest aircraft manufacturers and pharmaceutical clean rooms for over 35 years without any problems arising from deposition or residue.

Extremely efficient fluid consumption
You will likely notice a reduction in smoke fluid consumption of 80 - 90% with these systems compared to water-based smoke machines for similar if not better smoke densities.

10 year warrantyZero maintenance
No routine maintenance is required
as the unit automatically purges its heater block after every smoke issue. Four models are available for different needs. Users from fire training centres to theme parks throughout the world have selected these machines as their primary smoke system. Each unit comes with a 10 year warranty as standard, and a lifetime guarantee on the heater block.

Leak Tests / Air Flow Visualisation
Ideally suited to large building envelope tests - the smoke hangs for around 4 hours without evaporating or layering (unlike water based smoke) which enables you to fill huge areas effectively and efficiently for air tightness testing work.

Ventilation / Air Handling System Tests
For impulse / PPV (positive pressure ventilation) / road tunnel / car park ventilation tests for ventilation systems, the only smoke that gives you the most superior results is from the Phantom. It remains dense and highly visible over long distances and test durations and does not evaporate due to high speed air movement. Smoke from the units can also be given thermal buoyancy - the only machine capable of this. The smoke is heated and rises, staying visible where water based smokes simply evaporate.

Smoke Detector Tests
Unlike water-based smoke, oil-based smoke can be given thermal buoyancy to closely replicate hot rising smoke from a real fire. Ideal if your smoke detectors are very high up in the ceiling. The smoke from the Thermo-Resist models is persistent to 200C.

Theme Parks / Installations
Reliability and running costs are the main factors for fixed installations. These machines excel in both. They can also be programmed to use oil or water based fluid for effects with long or very short hang times.

Fire Training
Not only does the smoke from the Thermo-Resist versions resist temperatures up to 200C (making them ideal for hot fire training), but its fluid use is unparalelled by any other machine producing such a thick, dense, persistent smoke. It is also the safest smoke available due to the huge reduction in smoke fluid chemical required to achieve complete white-out. The smoke has a very dull smell and is much less irritating compared to high concentrations of water based fog.
PDF Info

See for yourself the difference between the PS60's Thermo-Resist smoke and water based systems (PDF)

Simply put, you cannot buy a better smoke system than this!

     Smoke Hang Time (at 20C)
COLOSSUS Oil Based Smoke
   4 hours +
Typical 'entertainment' water based smoke system
   15 minutes approx.
If requested, the unit can also be adjusted to use our water-based fluids (both quick dispersing and persistent) for further flexibility in special effects or wind tunnels (dispersion rates 30 seconds to 1.5 hours).

Smoke from Thermo-Resist units can be given thermal buoyancy to give realistic hot smoke for smoke detector tests,
such as this one at Airbus. Photo by Huegin

   Particle size - explained
   Smoke hang time
   Ducting smoke
   Temperature resistance of smoke
   Smoke chemical types

ISO 9001

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SFX / Film / TV
Air flow visualisation
Leak testing
Fire training

All units are available for 230v and come complete with container of smoke oil (5 litres), a 5 metre wired remote control, full CO2 cylinder (empty if being sent outside UK), and CO2 regulator.

Unit available in either Standard or Thermo-Resist** Versions

Please contact us for pricing or a quotation.
We ship worldwide.


Thermo-Resist Versions
The Thermo-Resist models are specifically designed to use the increased temperature resistant variant of the fluid - Pea Soup Smoke Oil 180 - which is temperature resistant up to 200°C. These units are therefore ideally suited for hot fire training applications or for producing thermally buoyant smoke using a large heat source (eg burn tray / space heater).
For thermally buoyant smoke for smoke detector testing please also see our RSG - Realistic Smoke Generator which is a self-contained thermally buoyant smoke producing system complete with its own heating chimney.

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Pea Soup industrial smoke systems are also available in stainless steel metalwork shells to special order at extra cost. This option is recommended for heavy duty / high usage applications such as fire training, or where the equipment is likely to be used in areas of high humidity.

Export enquiries welcome.
Please contact us via email for an export shipping quote.

Pea Soup Smoke Oil
Smoke Oil 135, 5 litre container
For standard units
Please contact us for pricing on this item.
Smoke Oil 135, 205 litre drum
Smoke Oil 180, 5 litre container
For Thermo-Resist units
Please contact us for pricing on this item.
Smoke Oil 180, 205 litre drum
Ducting Accessories

Ducting adaptors attach to the front of the machine to allow secure connection of ducting hose to allow smoke to be positioned precisely, in hard to reach places or inside containers.

All our ducting hoses are now internally lined to be smooth thereby reducing frictional losses. When you duct smoke, you are restricting the smoke particles so deposition in the hose over time is inevitable. Using this machine and this type of hose, deposition is minimised.

127mm diameter ducting adaptor    
127mm diameter lined flexible ducting x 10 metres    
PS Centrifugal Blower Fan
Continuously rated fan suitable for use with the Phantom to blow fog through ducting / pipework. Output can be ducted from fan output using 75mm diameter hose above. Comes complete with stand to allow direct use with the height of your smoke system. 240/110v. 4 week lead time.
Smoke Filtration Units filter smokey air effectively extracting all smoke in situations where venting the smoke to the outside is not possible.  

PLC Interface
Low Fluid Sensor
Digital Timer Controller
DMX Interface
Low Voltage Remote Control
Wireless Remote Control
Extended Nozzle
Auto-tank Refill
Additional CO2 Cylinders
2kg aluminium CO2 cylinder
5kg aluminium CO2 cylinder
Co2 Regulators
Low bar reg (gives you finer output control at low output levels, but only 60% of the maximum potential smoke output)
Spare standard reg (will give you full 100% smoke output of the unit but less fine control at lower levels)
Flightcases & Accessories
Basic flight case
Just holds the machine itself.
Luxury Flightcase for complete PS60 Smoke system.
Lid lifts off, unit is in place and can be used in-situ. Case has locking wheels. Holds the PS60 unit, remote control, 2kg CO2 cylinder, CO2 regulator and 5 litres Smoke Fluid. Photo below shows blue case, but case is now supplied in black.
Wireless radio remote control, up to 150m range
(must be ordered at the same time as ordering your smoke system - cannot be retrofitted)


Related products:
Name Description
Hand Portable Smoke Machine The Rocket is the market leading compact portable smoke generator. Robust, powerful and reliable.
2.2kW High Output Smoke Machine The Dragon is our highest quality water-based smoke generator offering continuous 100% high output and uncompromising component reliability.
Ducting Adaptors and Hose Ducting adaptor plates and hose accessories specifically designed for Pea Soup smoke machines.

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Pea Soup smoke machines, fog generators, hazers and fluid.