The Rosco Chiller
Module, used with Rosco Stage and Studio Fluid, allows you
to produce low-lying fog with variable densities on demand.
The matte black Chiller Module
is crafted in a textured, high-impact polymer. It is equipped
with a metal basket for dry ice, a 25' (7.5 m.) power cord,
a 24V in-line fan, and speed control.
The operation of the system is
simple. Attach the 5 ft. (1.5 m) ducting hose that is included
with the Chiller Module to a Hose Adaptor (sold separately)
affixed to the front of a Rosco fog machine. Attach the
other end of the hose to the inlet port of the Chiller Module.
As the fog output of the machine enters the Chiller Module,
it is cooled by the dry ice in the basket.