Pea Soup Smoke Machines
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Available for use with existing alarm systems: The Security Smoke Machine

Smaller companies benefit from the fantastic value for money represented by our new range of security smoke screens.
The range of models are suited to a variety of locations, from small offices, shops, storerooms, domestic applications, garages, etc. to larger warehouse applications.

The Sentinel range is a permanent smoke security solution that can be integrated into an existing intruder alarm or installed as a stand-alone system. The Sentinel range comprises some of the most advanced security smoke generators in the world.

Compact and easy to install, the unit can be mounted in almost any configuration, including ceilings, walls and floors. Its compact size means it can be easily concealed, making it ideal for high-profile businesses whose clients are frequently on site.


The S35 is frequently used to provide protection in jewellers’ window displays and internal storerooms and display cabinets. Built to the same exacting standards as the other models in this range but with different heater block technology and superb performance, the S35 is the ideal system to benefit small businesses and homes.


In the S70, precision engineered heater blocks and state of the art cartridge heaters offer higher levels of performance and reliability. This translates to a greater volume of smoke that produces no residue and lasts longer. New PCB technology, a built-in bracket design, internal battery back-up and a larger fluid chamber make the S70 incredibly versatile and suitable for a wide range of applications.


Available with two nozzle configurations (the S100 single nozzle and the S150 twin nozzle), this system is capable of producing staggering volumes of dry, dense smoke. The unique design of the precision-machined heater block generates the most consistent size smoke particle of any smoke machine available on the market. These units have been tested by the Atomic Energy Authority and declared the ‘safest’ and ‘driest’ in security smoke generators. The unparalleled reliability and performance of the S100/S150 make this machine extremely robust and versatile. It can be used in countless applications, including sensitive areas such as server rooms, data storage areas and laboratories. Due to the extreme reliability of these units we are able to offer a 7 year warranty on the S100 and S150.

UK delivery only

Security Smoke Screens

Our Guarantee

Pea Soup Smoke Security Systems are manufactured to comply with ISO9001, designed and manufactured under ISO9001 for the 'Design and manufacture of security smoke generators'.

Pea Soup Smoke Security has been rigourously tested. It complies fully with the requirements of BS7939 and is CE marked. It meets the requirements of UL (United States) and ASI (Australia). Each Smoke Security System above carries a definitive 'non-contamination' guarantee and full public liability cover.

How it works...

All our Smoke Security Systems produce a smoke-like effect (it's correctly described as fog) using a specially formulated, pharmaceutical grade glycol solution. The liquid is forced, under pressure, through a precision engineered steel heater block. The liquid turns first to vapor and then condenses as it exits the block to form a distinctive, white smoke-like effect.

The 'smoke' is formed by an optical effect created by billions of microscopic particles suspended in the air. Each measuring about 0.9 microns in diameter they remain airborne for hours, settling at a slow rate due to gravity. This ensures that there is no residue and no consequent contamination. The quality of the heater block guarantees are smoke effect that is non-toxic, non-conductive, non-corrosive and definitely non-contaminating. Generators using the same type of heater block are used by BNFL (British Nuclear Fuels Ltd) to test and calibrate HEPA filters. Pea Soup Smoke Security machines are able to consistently produce this high quality smoke effect by combining precision engineering, state of the art electronics and 50 years of practical experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Will the smoke damage my property?
A. If the Pea Soup Smoke Security machine is installed and operated to the manufacturer's specifications then there is no possibility of damage or contamination - we guarantee this. Systems have been used to provide protection to a wide variety of sensitive property including high value clothing, consumer electronics and communication equipment.

Q. What about computers?
A. Pea Soup Smoke Security units are used extensively to protect computer equipment. The dry nature of the smoke ensures that no deposition occurs on computer equipment. In addition, the liquid itself is non-conductive and non-corrosive. Tests have been conducted by ourselves and a major international electronics manufacturer, which show that LCD modules and PCBs with surface mounted ICs are unaffected even when the pure smoke fluid is literally poured over them.

Q. What do the insurers say?
A. Insurers throughout the UK now recommend and specify smoke security systems. A number are also offering financial inducements to install. These include cash-back or premium reductions

Q. What about the Police and Fire Brigade?
A. In general the Police see the use of Pea Soup Smoke Security as a positive move against intrusive criminals. Many Crime Prevention Officers throughout the country are happy to recommend the system. The new ACPO guidelines make provision for the use of a security smoke generating system. Fire Brigade personnel appreciate the need for such systems and have stated that, as long as systems are installed as per the code of practice, then they have no objection.

Security Smoke - Design

Years of experience combine with the latest hi-tech computer technology in our current range of smoke generators.

The compact and robust design and impressive smoke production make these units an ideal choice for many security applications.

Security Smoke - Insurance

All Pea Soup Smoke Security users are provided with public and product liability insurance cover. This cover combines with the extended warranty and reflects the manufacturer's confidence in the system.

To date there has never been an insurance claim involving a Pea Soup Smoke Security System.

Security Smoke - Quality Assurance

Pea Soup Smoke Security Systems are designed and manufactured under ISO 9001. They are fully EMC compliant and CE marked. They comply with BS 7939 and have accreditation from UL (Underwriters Laboratory).

UK delivery only

Pea Soup Smoke Security Systems offer

See also Concept Smoke Screen Fluid


We also supply vehicle security smoke systems that run from 12v DC:

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Pea Soup smoke machines, fog generators, hazers and fluid.